Chiar inainte de Revelion am primit un email din partea casei de pariuri Ladbrokes in care se precizeaza ca nu mai accepta pariori romani.
Nu este singura casa de pariuri care se retrage de la noi. Aveti la dispozitie cateva zile ca sa va retrageti banii pe care ii aveti in cont la Ladbrokes. Mai precis pana pe 12 Ianuarie 2015.
Legea pariurilor online a fost publicata pe 30 decembrie 2014 si obliga casele de pariuri online sa obtina licenta in Romania si sa platesca impozit la stat.
Se vor face multe miscari pe piata pariurilor in 2015 la noi din cauza acestei legi. Trebuia sa intram si noi in legalitate.
Mailul pe care l-am primit arata asa:
This is an important announcement regarding Ladbrokes account(s) from Romania.
We regularly review our ability to offer gambling facilities in different countries throughout the world. As a result, we are sending this message to let you know that we will soon no longer be offering our products or services in Romania.
Any pending/unsettled bets will be voided and the funds returned to your Ladbrokes account. Please withdraw your balance to the payment registered on your account to ensure swift withdrawal of funds before 12th January 2015.
Please withdraw your balance to the payment registered on your account.
If you are unable to withdraw your funds to the registered payment method, please register your bank transfer details to ensure swift withdrawal of funds.
For security & monitoring purposes, we may be required to request additional documentation in order to process your request. .
Contact Number: +350 200 43003 (English Only)
E-mail support: (English Only)
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